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DOLE issues OSH guidelines for the use and management of asbestos in the workplace

“Asbestos is a very dangerous substance which can cause serious illnesses. To ensure the safety of workers exposed to asbetos, we have issued Department Order 154 series of 2014,” said DOLE Secretary Rosalinda Dimapilis Baldoz

The DO 154-2016: Safety and Health Standards on the Use and Management of Asbestos in the Workplace explicitly states that the management of any enterprise enaged in the use of asbetsos such as those in the construction, manufacturing, and other industries must implement an asbestos safety and health program (ASHP). The ASHP should provide for the replacement of asbestos containing materials when feasible. In instances where the use of asbetsos cannot be avoided, control measures such as enclosure/isolation of contaminated work areas, efficient ventilation systems, HEPA vacuum cleaners and wet methods of handling asbetsos must be established.

Safe work procedures such as limiting access to asbestos to trained and authorized personnel, establishing a decontamnation unit in entry and exit points, and posting appropriate warning signs in strategic places must also be adopted. Proper personal protective equipment including respiratory protectio, whole body protective clothing and covering must be provided to all workers exposed to asbestos.

Work Environment Measurement must be conducted in accordance to the Occupational Safety and Health Standards and proper labeling of all asbestos containing materials must be observed. A proper disposal system for all asbestos containing wastes must be implemented based on the regulations of the DENR.

The DO 154-2016 also includes provisions for occupational health services such as medical exams, treatment and surveillance must also be provided by the employer.All workers diagnosed with asbestos-related illnesses shall be compensated according to the provisions stated in the Employees’ Compensation program. The Employees Compensation Commission and the Occupational Safety and Health Center will facilitate post-retirement medical monitoring.

END/DJ Romero

Any question on this release? Please contact Ma. Teresita S. Cucueco, MD, CESO III, executive director, Occupational Safety and Health Center, North Avenue corner Agham Road, Diliman, Quezon City with telephone numbers 929-6036 to 39 and e-mail address:

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Occupational Safety and Health Center

North Avenue corner Agham Road, Diliman, Quezon City

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